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Remote Support

Get the help you need wherever you are

Through Great Circle Systems' remote administration capability, many tasks which traditionally required an onboard network administrator are executed via the Internet.

Support includes:

  • Unlimited Software Support
    • Business Applications - MS Office, MS Project, AutoCAD, etc.
    • Windows Operating Systems - Server 2012/2008/2003, MS Windows 7/Vista/XP
    • Applle Operating Systems - OS X v10.x, iOS 2/3/4/5/6
    • Onboard mail server and network access server
    • Group/user/mailbox account maintenance
    • Remote control software installation, troubleshooting, and training
  • Unlimited Computer Hardware Support
    • Switch configuraiton changes
    • Troubleshoot hardware failures and conflicts
    • Facilitate manufacturer's warranty
  • Monitoring & Remote Administration
    • Monitor system event logs
    • Monitor system health - Memory & CPU utilization, disk storage
    • Monitor onboard & remote backups
    • Critical software updates
    • Virus definition updates